Sunday, February 8, 2015

Why we collect "things"

This is an interesting video that explains a bit of why we collect things. Why collecting items is so important to us. Give it a view.

It brings up some interesting questions tho. Do the rituals we adopt do any damage to us in the long run? Can addiction behavior explain things like hoarding? How powerful is anxiety, and the relief of said anxiety, really? How important is it to relieve anxiety, when it can drive us forward, and promote personal growth.

I have a lot of rituals that I do every day. Websites that I visit in a particular order when I sit down in front of the computer. My news reader is set to scroll items from rule sets that are pretty much set in stone. These things determine my mood for the first part of the day, as I react to stories and information. I find that my main account in FB gives me a sense of relief from this, as I just go ahead and act/react in somewhat random manners to posts in my news feed. How does this affect me at the end of the day? It's an interesting intellectual exercise.

Lots of questions, and I don't have any easy answers. This is a bit beyond my pay grade.

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